Weighbridge featuring reinforced concrete platform

A number of reasons have led Vincro to include concrete platform weighbridge in the production range.
Reinforced and vibration-compacted concrete is especially weather-resistant and will not corrode, requires no constant painting, and absorbs stress generated by a moving load with consummate ease-this making for prolonged service life both of the transmission linkage and of the weighing-apparatus.
PLATFORM: modular design, with reinforced - & - vibration - compacted concrete surface specially treated to remain smooth and weatherproof. Edges banded in metall. One - piece or twin - section platform according to type, consisting either of a single 8-9 metre platform, or two sections united at installation for 14-18 models.
The Beton weighbridge can be built to custom specification other than those indicated.

Compression load cell for CE-M approved weighbridges, tanks, silos, etc. Complete execution in steel, and fitted with selfaligned articulated joints, selfcentering plates and protection washer.

- CAPACITIES (kg): 20000 - 30000.
- OIML R60. C3 or C4 precision class.
- Stainless steel with alloy steel body.
- IP68 protection.
Stainless steel with special alloy steel body; execution with laser solderings.
Optimised for parallel connection.
Fitted with selfaligned articulated joints, selfcentering plates and protection washer.
Shielded 14 mt connection cable.
- Test certificate available upon request.
The microcomputer terminal, designed and built using advanced tecnology, is able to run a residet program on memory software, speclially developed to satisfy all possible weighing requirements at
an industrial level. The standard program gives both a display read-out and a print-out on a multi-ply cards, control tape or tickets, showing the fgollowing features: date; time by permanent
clock; codes (the first of 2 numbers combinated with the overl total, the second of 3 numbers; the third of 6 numerbs; next number give automatically once entered at he keybord at the beginning
of the weighing cycle; 1° weighing or weight-in; 2° weighting or weight-out; net weight automatically calculeted by substraction.

Other features of the terminal :
Overall total
Memory space for tare weights
Buffer battery to garantee permanent storage of data in memory
Simultaneous link-up to two weighing machines
Single weighing whit tare value entered
Mistakes indicated by light
- standard RS232 serial interface to CPU
The terminal is available in an alphanumerical version for more personalized uses.